UMBRA’s Capability To Identify Data Origin

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Today, many organizations contend that their custom-built point solutions are still suited to manage their data. The challenge they tend to create is an inability to track the overall flow of data. That not only limits the ability to confirm data provenance, but in case of a breach it becomes more difficult, if not impossible, to review what vulnerabilities led to the breach.

The greater the number of point solutions that information must travel through, the greater the chances that end-to-end tracking details will break down.

That’s where an integrated data management platform, which captures data from the edge and tracks its progress through the entire pipeline, can make a huge difference. It can track how data came into the organization, who manipulated it, how it was enriched or how it was changed, no matter which cloud or server it resides on.

Modern data management platforms also have an advantage over point solutions in being to manage data throughout its lifecycle, including the ability to:

  1. Collect data as it streams across the enterprise.
  2. Enrich data by cleaning and structuring it, making it easier to analyze.
  3. Report data and generate meaningful visualizations.
  4. Serve data using operational databases.
  5. Make predictions with the data using machine learning and AI applications.

Underlying those capabilities is the ability to standardize and centralize data policies, security, governance and metadata and empowers organizational leaders to get better insights.

Organizations are already familiar with variations of that in the cybersecurity space: If an intrusion occurs on a certain network, port, or device, an AI bot can automatically detect it and shut down traffic. And that kind of response can work in a variety of other circumstances across the enterprises, to better support employees and serve the public.

UMBRA’s data tracking, collection and analytics technology enables this kind of actionable intelligence by solving several key challenges relating to the data, real-time insights, operations efficiency and security.

Our technology is able to handle high volumes of data arriving with multiple different types of formats and a diverse set of protocols by leveraging NiFi. This technology, also called “Niagara Files”, was previously in development and used at scale within the NSA. It was made available to the Apache Software Foundation through the NSA Technology Transfer Program (TTP).

From The Shadows Emerges Knowledge

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